Good luck with finding anything but a window washer or janitor. But maybe they actually get an education in Cuba.
PS: Thanks for posting this darkspilver; I'm Cuban myself.
from 14ymedio - found in may 2014 as the first independent digital media outlet in cuba.
"trabajador serio y decente busca empleo".
Good luck with finding anything but a window washer or janitor. But maybe they actually get an education in Cuba.
PS: Thanks for posting this darkspilver; I'm Cuban myself.
so, this will be a time of much confusion.
being a born in, and wanting to celebrate my first christmas is confusing, nerve wracking, and difficult to comprehend.
how have others dealt with there first christmas after leaving?
i picked up bernard cornwell's the pagan lord at the library.
historical fiction set in england after the death of alfred the great.
i'm loving it, especially the between-the-lines wit and sense of timing in cornwell's writing, and the complete badassery of the protagonist.
I regularly read about all the shenanigans of the right wing at When I'm posting here I jump back and forth between that website and this one.
first time posting after years of reading, the things i have learned here have gradually helped to open my eyes to the reality of this religion.
though i have been mentally out for some time, lately i have stopped going to meetings and service.
the elders are calling and i have been ignoring them, i am trying to get up the courage to finally break free and never go back.
Welcome beard!
and if the name jehovah is that important why is it that jesus christ never use that name in a record of scriptures?.
The reason is that the name Yahweh was considered so sacred by later day scribes that they never pronounced it, instead pronouncing the word Adonay (Lord) every time they ran into YHWH.
It is on that basis that the Greek Septuagint translation, from a much later date, simply wrote their word for Lord (Kurios) instead of bothering with the personal name.
the wts has always included minors and adults in the same categories - publisher and baptized.. i am interested in knowing how many minors, approximately, are included in the publisher count.
and, at what age a person started publishing.
what age was the youngest publisher reported?.
Not a born in. Converted at 14; publisher at 14; baptized at 15.
I still remember my first day in field service. My first rejecting "householder" and the elder I was studying with at my side.
well, if trump starts a nuclear war, and no survivors exist.
then everyone that dies before armaggedon will come back in the resurection in the new system.
no great crowd to survive the gt.
Nuclear war will kill plenty but most of the 7 billion people will survive.
By the way, which came first, the chicken or the egg?
been lurking since early this year.
there are many of us out there (at least in this area, central u.s.) who are waking up and crossing the line to talk to each other about it.
in our area, several elders, ministerial servants and pioneers are actively and openly sharing info with each other daily.
Welcome d-o-l! Thanks for the thanks and the info. I hope the waking up grows until the time that the Watchtower suffers collapse. Also, having a network of fellow underground apostates that you personally know face to face can make the transition out much easier and painless.
at mine the conductor was somewhat awkward and minimal and there were nervous chuckles from the audience.
two people, including an elder, gave reasonable comments that it's okay as long as it's not extreme styles, etc.
but then another one of the elders commented that nothing has changed and they still aren't proper locally.
Simple response: If there are many people outside of the Witnesses who have beards then there is no reason for the public in general to get "stumbled" - they're used to them..
i mean back in the 60's when lsd was legal they did experiments with the drug to find out it's problem solving ability and the results were amazing..
psychedelic agents in creative problem-solving experiment was a study designed to evaluate whether the use of a psychedelic substance with supportive setting can lead to improvement of performance in solving professional problems.
the altered performance was measured by subjective reports, questionnaires, the obtained solutions for the professional problems and psychometric data using the purdue creativity, the miller object visualization, and the witkins embedded figures tests.
Why do you want Republicans to have more imagination? The only problems they would solve is that of maximizing the number of citizens who support them.